Dubai Art 2018

Dubai Art 2018

With the Dubai Art Season 2018 in full swing creativity is also pulsing through Forget Me Not this month. With this much art all around we were reminded how much fun you can have when your imagination is let loose, especially so with stickers.

For some, they literally see in sound and hear in colour, also known as Synesthesia. But for us here at Forget Me Not we hark back to the simple pleasures of playing with stickers. There is much fun to have when your imagination is let loose.

So come and release your inner child and celebrate your child’s originality, and check-out our sticker ranges, ideal for shoes, clothes, lunch boxes, and water bottles. The only problem will be deciding what you wish to be……….Knight, Fairy, Footballer, Mermaid, Pirate, Princess? There is no limit to imagination and creativity.

For more information on what Dubai Art has to offer check out: and

P.S. In an attempt to foster our children’s creativity we are booked to see the interactive Van Gogh experience “Van Gogh Live” over the Spring break at the Dubai Design District 3, we figured a good introduction to art for energetic children who won’t appreciate the quiet stillness of many a gallery.

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